
Mono-Sodium Glutamate

The Ajinomoto company was formed to manufacture and market MSG in Japan; the name 'Aji no moto' translates to "essence of taste". It was introduced to the United States in 1947 as Ac'cent flavor enhancer. In its pure form, it appears as a white crystalline powder which rapidly dissociates into sodium cations and glutamate anions on contact with water.

MSG is normally obtained by the fermentation of carbohydrates and by using bacterial or yeast species from genera such as Brevibacterium. Brevibacterium is a genus of bacteria which are Gram-positive soil organisms. It is suitable for us to consume; but when we consume too much of it, it will cause side effects.

MSG side effects can result in:

• Numbness
• Burning sensation
• Tingling
• Facial pressure or tightness
• Chest pain
• Headache
• Nausea
• Rapid heartbeat
• Drowsiness
• Weakness
• Difficulty breathing for asthmatics

These are 2 product that contains mono-sodium glutamate. The picture on the left shows a bottle of Maggie Oyster Sauce, while the picture on the right shows a cup of Maggie Cup Noodles. Both product can be found in the supermarket .

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